oc baby photographer

Baby Arden // Newborn Session // Orange County Newborn Photographer // The unspeakable beauty of motherhood

The unspeakable beauty of motherhood //

Motherhood is truly one of my favorite things to photograph. When a client books me to come and document this new chapter in their lives, I feel so honored. I feel honored that I get to watch your first interactions with this little being you created, that I get to even sometimes hold your precious gift in my arms before positioning her for a shot,  that I get to witness this incredible bond between you & your baby! I can remember after having my first child the greatest adjustment for me was not the lack of sleep, the endless laundry, or the huge responsibility that I felt, but the intense sense of vulnerability I experienced with my heart now outside my body. I had never felt so deeply about anything – ever. There is something about holding this precious little defenseless person that simultaneously evokes delirious joy and overwhelming helplessness. You would give your own soul to see them safe and wholly evolved into the fullness of their destiny. You would pay any price; sacrifice any goal; reach any compromise to make them content and complete. THIS is motherhood and getting to document these first moments for you all- it leaves my heart so full as I lay my head down to sleep. Motherhood is simply beautiful.