The Duggan Family Session
Shaw’s Cove, Laguna Beach, CA.

Orange county photographer
The Parker's Family Session at Shaw’s Cove, Laguna Beach was just breathtaking! The light was to die for and don’t even get me started on their stylish outfits! (This is why I stress to all my families to please coordinate wardrobes carefully and be open to suggestions from your photographer because it can make such a huge difference in the outcome of photos, let me be the one tell you!) Here they first went with punchy reds & greys in solids and kept it real simple but eye catching! The second wardrobe palette they chose neutrals, those soft cremes, pinks & greys. I just loved this session so much because sweet little Landon (age 2yr) was full of personality and such a ham in front of the camera! This family was very interactive as they tickled, chased and played with their munchkins. I love to capture raw moments like this, it truely makes for the best memories.
Thank you to Danielle & Kelly for allowing me to capture your sweet family!
L i f e s t y l e // Some fun shots of my munchkins as they get settled into their new rooms in the new house .. It’s been chaotic since we are in the process of moving but when I take a moment to sit down to watch my girls play like this I am reminded it’s all worth it. I am reminded to slow down, the packed boxes can unpack later, the laundry can wait , the dishes can wait- because these girls are my world and time is so precious. I love love watching them play and love when they are using imaginative play. It is as if time freezes and nothing else around us is as important as living this very moment. My oldest loves to sing, dance and is creative at heart. She can make something from nothing - I want her to remember these times in her childhood forever .
Capturing their childhood is so rewarding as a mommy.
Jaelene to Audrey -> “Audrey did you really just take all my clean pajamas and unfold them and drag them everywhere? "
Audrey silent pause. Then a pose. haha
The unspeakable beauty of motherhood //
Motherhood is truly one of my favorite things to photograph. When a client books me to come and document this new chapter in their lives, I feel so honored. I feel honored that I get to watch your first interactions with this little being you created, that I get to even sometimes hold your precious gift in my arms before positioning her for a shot, that I get to witness this incredible bond between you & your baby! I can remember after having my first child the greatest adjustment for me was not the lack of sleep, the endless laundry, or the huge responsibility that I felt, but the intense sense of vulnerability I experienced with my heart now outside my body. I had never felt so deeply about anything – ever. There is something about holding this precious little defenseless person that simultaneously evokes delirious joy and overwhelming helplessness. You would give your own soul to see them safe and wholly evolved into the fullness of their destiny. You would pay any price; sacrifice any goal; reach any compromise to make them content and complete. THIS is motherhood and getting to document these first moments for you all- it leaves my heart so full as I lay my head down to sleep. Motherhood is simply beautiful.
Often I think people assume because I'm a photographer I have my camera on me all the time to document my own family but the truth is I use my iPhone more than anything. I do find it important to capture the day-to-day moments of my kids growing and learning and changing but my camera is just such a pain to carry everywhere and a liability when we go places that I have learned to rely on my iPhone primarily for the day to day stuff . When I use my iPhone to capture moments I typically work hard at getting crisp sharp images by stabilizing the camera and using the focal point given (selecting the araa of the screen I want to focus on) and playing with the light wherever I am. What I like about it? I LOVE that new technology has really improved the quality of phone cameras and therefore it literally captures what your eyes see , which sometimes I have to work really hard adjusting my BIG camera settings to achieve . Not to undermine my expensive equipment I use for work , just to say that you can really get good photos with your phone these days and the convenience factor of already having it glued to our hands 24/7 helps! SO, start playing with your iPhone camera (if you have one) or whatever phone camera you have! I wanted to share with you on the BLOG all photos captured with my iPhone. Every single image you see below , I took of my munchkins at play and WITH my PHONE! These are the memories of childhood I want my kids to remember, to be able to look back on and one day share with their own children or get passed around in a circle of loved ones reminscing .
I LOVE Summer, my family loves summer so you’ll find lots of shots from yard play, beach outings, water play, donut shop pit stops, bike rides, zoo fun, nap times, target trips -
ok ok ok , you will see for yourself ! Ha. Scroll on down. If this blog inspires you to capture more of the ‘everyday' for your kids than it’s fulfilled its purpose! If you have questions on how to achieve a certain look in your images, feel free to leave me a note and I will do my best to answer your questions!
Beach days // San Clemente , CA // Calafia Beach
Audrey's badonka donk . . .
Bed head hair don't care
Because I wouldn't let her have a cookie for dinner .
Grocery store naps .
Many donut shop morning stops in PJ's
Audrey's not pleased to share her bike with mommy . Ha.
Jae discovered her love for roller skating. She is fearless and gets up after each fall with such determination to learn .
Her stink face competition .
One thing I love about this time of year is getting the privilege to capture memories for families vacationing here in beautiful Southern California! This sweet family came all the way from Texas to visit our gorgeous city Newport Beach . I just adored all of them! They were so down to earth and fun to photograph! I feel so honored to be able to document a special time for their family, a time where they are splashing in the water and giggling on the beach , embracing the beauty of the coast sunset that we sometimes take for granted living here. Thank you to the Smyth Family for allowing me the privilege of meeting tour sweet family !