Alessia & Jeff Citro San Clemente Maternity Session | Orange County Maternity Photographer | Newport Beach Maternity Photographer | Calafia State Beach San Clemente, CA Maternity Session

Alessia & Jeff Citro San Clemente Maternity Session | Orange County Maternity Photographer | Newport Beach Maternity Photographer | Calafia State Beach San Clemente, CA Maternity Session


These two were a gem to photograph. When I had first arrived to their session, my settings on my camera felt different, and my camera was not focusing , it was shooting blurry shots so I knew it had something to do with calibration or focus. They were full of grace and understanding, and I could feel their trust in me as I problem solved . Even though on the inside I panicked, wondering if my camera was malfunctioning or broken perhaps- I then remembered I handed my camera to a guy at a wedding to jump in a photo this past weekend - and he changed my settings to manual focus 🤦🏽‍♀️😂 Long story short, I’ve had some tough days since my husband’s been gone for work for 6 months- juggling the business and my little ones at home alone, most days I feel like I’m running around like a chicken with its head cut off... but meeting clients who were patient/understanding showing me so much grace in a moment where things didn’t go as planned , made me feel so grateful, made me eager to capture magical shots for them as we connected with eachother even more during our session . Show some grace to someone you love today, I promise it will mean the world to them.

Also, how awesome is Calafia State beach in San Clemente with its diversity of scenery? Alessia & Jeff wanted a beach that offered different scenery for their maternity session aside from just the open sand, so we utilized the rocky boulder areas, lifeguard tower and walked down to the water at sunset. It was a gorgeous evening with that soft diffused light we photogs always love ;)