2yr girl photos

My little Audrey ... Turning the BIG TWO!

My little Audrey ... Turning the BIG 2!

I can hardly believe you turn TWO today! And rest assured, I will be saying this for every birthday you and your sister have for the rest of your life, so you might have to get used to it.

Your little body is always on the move, usually at top speed and you have no trouble keeping up with your big sister. You have a big personality and an even bigger attitude. I think my favorite thing about you is the incredible bond you have with your sister. Your love each other fiercely and it shows. You play and snuggle and read and sleep together. You turn to her when you need help and she protects you like a mama bear. She is the first person you look for when you wake up, and you light up when she comes home from school at the end of the day. It is my fervent wish that you never lose the relationship that you have with your sister. It is precious and will carry you through so many tough times ahead. 

You challenge me on an hourly basis, never taking no for an answer – determined to march to the beat of your own drum. While it drives me crazy, and makes our daily life that much more difficult, it also reassures me that you can handle whatever comes your way. That you won’t be pushed into things you don’t want. You know your mind and aren’t afraid to speak it, so I have no doubt that you will always be able to stand up for yourself. You are a strong little girl and I wouldn’t have it any other way!

I have been working more than usual lately and it hasn’t escaped your notice. You have turned into a snuggle bug, constantly wanting to curl up in my lap and wrap your arms around my neck. You crawl into my bed in the wee hours each morning (or the middle of the night) and burrow yourself right up next to me and truth be told, I love every second of it. You won’t want to snuggle with me forever, and your tiny body won’t fit with mine the same way much longer so I am soaking up every minute that it still does. 

I would love to keep you exactly how you are at this moment forever, but I know I can’t. What I can do is cherish every single second of right now. Savor your high pitched giggles and tickle your quickly disappearing baby thighs.

Your daddy , big sisssy & I all love you more than you could ever imagine.

Happy, Happy 2nd Birthday Baby Girl…..wishing you a million days that reflect the possibilities you see.

