San Cle

The Rich’s Family Session // Orange County Family Photographer // Calafia State Beach Family Session

I met this sweet little family about 6 months ago when they asked me to document their first little boy arriving to this world. Baby Bolton is one of the most handsome little newborns I have ever seen and here he is, 6 months later, still as handsome as ever! This family session was so much fun to shoot because of all his little expressions, not to mention the location was killer! This is Calafia State Beach in San Clemente, CA. I love this spot because of its versatility , it has a train that goes by that my kids love watching  and it has these gorgeous huge boulders that overlook the ocean .  One of the sweetest families ever, a location like this + a baby boy with all smiles -  I mean seriously, what more can you ask for in a session?  