Family Session

Orange County In-Home Newborn Session | The Lee Family | Cori Kleckner Photography | Newport Beach Family Photographer

Orange County In-Home Newborn Session | The Lee Family | Cori Kleckner Photography | Newport Beach Family Photographer

I love in-home sessions that include bed jumping, tickling, choo-choo trains and giggles! Nothing makes me love a session more than capturing the everyday real stuff! 

This Newport Beach in-home lifestyle session was so fun to capture as big brother stole the show, in a good way! Nothing makes my heart more happy than capturing the love of a growing family!



Cori provides lifestyle family and newborn photography services in Los Angeles, Huntington Beach, Irvine, Aliso Viejo, Laguna Beach, Laguna Niguel, Newport Beach, Dana Point, San Clemente, Irvine and surrounding areas.


Large Family Session Shaw’s Cove, Laguna Beach | The Dowden’s Family | Orange County Family Photographer

Large Family Session Shaw’s Cove, Laguna Beach

| The Dowdens Family |

Orange County Family Photographer

So I’m incredibly behind on blogging guys! I have quite a few fresh new sessions hitting the blog soon though! 

This Shaw’s Cove Laguna Beach Session had that soft dreamy sunset light that I just love! The Dowden’s Family came all the way from Indiana to visit our California beaches and I swear they look like Californians, don’t they? Little miss Emily (age 2yr) is about to be a BIG sister! She was full of many expressions and excitement which made it such a joy to capture her! Not to forget to mention her adorable little boho dress her mamma managed to find for our session, I mean how cute are those sleeves?! This sweet girl is so incredibly deeply loved and it shows! Grandma Karen reached out to me to capture the generations of her family and I am so honored to have been able to document their growing family for them while on vacation. I mean, what better way then on vacay right? 

If you have been putting off family photos or trying to get a large session done, now is the time to do it! you wont regret having these tangible memories for years to come with those you love! 

The Deprima’s Family// Orange County Family Photographer

These guys came all the way from Vegas to enjoy sunny Cali beaches, They were so excited to be here to soak up the sun and it was a great evening for family session with all that golden light shining. We shot their session at Shaw’s Cove, Laguna Beach to really capture the diversity of open sand + rocky shore with pools of salty water, pebbles and boulders. Just love this spot and these sweet families I get to meet along the way who travel from all over to visit where we live. 

Shaw’s Cove, Laguna Beach | The Dunbar’s Family Session

Shaw’s Cove, Laguna Beach  |  The Dunbar’s Family Session   

The Dunbar Family has allowed me to photograph them for quite some time now, all the way from when their sweet Paisley was just a little baby! She is now 2 yrs old  & going to be a BIG sister this coming April! I just seriously adore this sweet family and love being able to document this special time for them and watch their little family grow! I feel so honored when families trust me to capture such precious milestones for them . One of the most rewarding parts of being a photographer is getting to witness & document a couples journey into parenthood and so on. It was a gorgeous day for a maternity/family session and we lucked out on some of the best sunset light at a gorgeous little beach location

Being a business owner & stay at home mommy | Audrey + Jaelene | Shaw’s Cove, Laguna Beach CA

Being a business owner & stay at home mommy to Audrey + Jaelene

These two. They have my whole heart. Some days I feel overwhelmed with gratitude to be a stay at home working mommy while other days it can be very challenging and I forget to take the time to really relish in this beautiful time of them being little still and even needing me at all. Right now I’m juggling potty training a toddler, school pickup & drop offs, sports, homework with my oldest and all the other tasks of mommy duties all while running a business . Running your own business is no piece of cake. Neither is raising a family.  Though I always say family comes first , before work or house duties - it isn’t always easy.

There is enough guilt to go around for any parent, so I make a conscious effort to let it go and focus on the positives. I may have a hectic schedule, and, as a result, my children are learning how to be independent and self-reliant. I also know one day they wont need mommy to  brush their hair or make their lunch or tuck them in at night, and some days I have to remind myself to slow down so I can enjoy these everyday in-between moments. The messes on the table, legos on the floor, dirty laundry piled everywhere ; one day they wont be there. I will miss that when its gone (well maybe not the laundry part;). Right now I’m juggling running a business and being home with a toddler and up-keeping a house (which is the first HOUSE we’ve ever lived in) and it can be a lot to keep up with it all. Daddy works long hours too and finding a balance can sometimes be hard for all of us.  But days like today, where I'm soaking up the sun watching my girls build sand castles so innocently in the sand, I remember that homework can wait, cleanup can wait, dinner can wait;  quality time with these two little beautiful girls (and my husband) is whats most important right now. Giving them my undivided attention when they ask - that is what I am doing my best to work on as a mommy who feels so busy and rushed for time all the time. I know they see that. I know they watch as I frantically run around like a chicken with its head cut off so that work is caught up, house stuff is caught up, everyones needs are met and the ’to do” list is all checked off. I know they see me regularly nod my head to them as they are sharing something with me:  “mommy look at the painting I made” as I am trying to return an email to a client or finish editing a session.  I know I should pause whatever it is I’m doing to give them those valuable minutes of  attention & time because all else can wait .  I know. I know. I know they wont be this little forever. 

Some days feel really short though guys, don’t they? Like their aren’t enough hours in the day to get breakfast started, shuffle to school & sports, prep dinners, clean the house, devote time to work and still manage to find time for yourself.  It’s all about finding a healthy balance. The truth is you can do it all if you just change what your definition of balance is. There are times where my business gets more attention than my kids and vice versa. In the end I like to believe that it all balances out. Part of being an entrepreneur is being comfortable with changing direction quickly. 

Entrepreneurship, just like motherhood, is not a 9-5 job. Some days I stay up until 3 am working and then have to do a 7 a.m. child drop off at school. Be kind to yourself. Make time for you even if it's just to breathe and smell the air. Kids are going to make messes, they are going to eat your reports and download viruses to your computer. Your best weapon is a sense of humor. Enjoy your mommy entrepreneur life, wear the title proudly. We are basically super heroes.

My goal for 2016 is to not sweat the small things (i.e.: messes, missed nights of homework, running late in the morning, getting behind on work. . .etc), not push myself to do it all and be it all- all the time; but to be present in the moment and give my family more undivided attention - Because believe me when l tell you, nothing in the world is more important to me then my family.

PS: These photos of my girls were taken on a whim one day when we decided to head down for the beach to catch some sun rays. I will cherish these photos of my two girls and their incredibly close bond. 

Make-A-Wish Family Session // Newport Beach Family Session {Newport Beach Family Photographer}

L i n d s e y + D e r i k + Z o i e + I v i e

About a month ago, I was asked to photograph a family for their sweet little girls Make-A-Wish trip to Orange County , CA.   Zoie, age 4yrs, has a genetic disorder called Microcephaly which causes CP and epilepsy, and also has Cystic Fibrosis. I wanted to capture this time for their family, as an addition to their Make-A-Wish trip so that they could have these memories documented to last a lifetime. Both their girls have never been to the beach, never dipped their feet in the ocean or sand and I got to capture them experiencing this for the first time as part of their visit to California . (Wow brings me to tears just writing this) Another part of Zoie's make-a-wish trip was also to visit Disneyland . 

Zoie is one of the strongest little girls you will ever meet, or at least that I ever have. This family story is one that tugs my heart strings, but I think the mother Lindsey says it best in her narrative below :

The Cissell’s Family Story  

"Derik and I were married in the summer of 2010 in a little town in the Foothills of Colorado. We got to enjoy a beautiful Honeymoon in Playa Del Carman, Mexico, and soon after that we started to plan for a family. We always wanted a lot of kids; I did anyways! I have always loved being surrounded by the comfort and love that family brings. We got pregnant with Zoie, shortly after our honeymoon, and I was a para in a special needs classroom at the time. My pregnancy was smooth and up until our 36 week appointment everything was perfect. At 36 weeks I started to measure small so we went in for an ultrasound. Zoie's head was measuring small, but nothing was brought up because everyone thought it was just a bad angle. At our 37 week appointment and after our doctor reviewed the ultrasound in detail we were rushed in for an emergency C-section to get Zoie out because there were some growth concerns. When she was born, she was healthy, she cried, her color was great, but she looked a teensy bit different. There were whispers of Down Sydrome that my husband heard, and there were multiple chromosomal tests that were done while we were there for our 3 day delivery stay. As new parents for the first time, this was scary, but everything came back totally normal so they sent us on our way and we were a happy family at home. A few weeks later while Derik was at work, I received a phone call from our pediatrician about Zoie's newborn screen test coming back positive for Cystic Fibrosis. I remember not even knowing what this was or who to turn to. Instead, I started bawling and got on the phone with my husband for him to come home right away. 2 weeks later a sweat test at Children's Hospital Colorado confirmed our sweet Zoie Rae indeed did have Cystic Fibrosis. CF is a chronic lung disease that is passed down only genetically and both parents must be carriers. Unfortunately, Derik and I had no idea we were carriers before we had Zoie. It causes secretions to build up on the lungs which can cause infections, lots of coughing, and when a CF person gets sick, their body has a very hard time getting rid of the sickness. Zoie gets vest therapy treatments daily to keep mucus loose, she gets extra salt, and extra vitamins daily to keep her healthy, and we have a great pulmonary team at Children's Hospital to help guide us in the right direction. Currently there is no cure for CF. As a family we were in shock about CF. It came out of no where, but we were also in for another shock. When Zoie was just 2 1/2 months old she had her first seizure. After spending time at Children's she was diagnosed with what's called Microcephaly, which means "small head." Zoie's Microcephaly is also genetic which isn't common at all, and once again, Derik and I both had to be carriers, and we both had to pass the Micro gene onto her. Zoie has seizures, Cerebral Palsy, learning delays, is almost all non-verbal, and can only eat puréed foods with assistance because of her Microcephaly. As I tell a lot of people, she got a double whammy thrown her way. 
When Zoie was 2, I became pregnant with our second little sweetie, Ivie Mae. We worked hard and closely with genetic doctors and in the end we put our whole heart and faith in God to give us a healthy baby without CF, and without Microcephaly and He did so without skipping a beat. Ivie Mae was born in 2014 and we call her our little miracle baby. She is a carrier of both CF and Microcephaly, but didn't get either one of them. Zoie is now 4, and Ivie is now 1 1/2. My husband and I eat, sleep, and breath our girls. Zoie is the smiliest, happiest, closest thing to an Angel that you will get here on Earth, and Ivie Mae, she's brought so much light and normalicy into our lives. She loves her sissy, and they are both learning so much from one another. Ivie is blessed because she will know a type of love that a lot of other kids don't, and that's how to accept anyone for who they are and see past what society sees as normal. This week we are spending time in Newport Beach for Zoie's Make-A-Wish trip and Cori got to capture some of the things we wanted to make sure our girls did for the first time together, like putting their feet in the ocean, or touching ocean sand. Thanks to God we are getting to experience this and we are so grateful to Cori for giving us these memories in pictures. "


This sweet mommy & me session took place in Laguna Beach at the Montage Resort . I just loved that baby Ronnie + Mom were both in neutral tones, really giving this session an airy crisp look along the ocean front, bringing out the blues in the ocean & sky . Plus how stinkin cute is little Ronnie & that smile?!

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The Christensen Family Session // Laguna Beach Montage Resort Family Session {Orange County Photographer}

Stephanie + Baby Chloe + Grandma // Montage Resort, Laguna Beach CA {Orange County Family Photographer}

Meet Stephanie &  sweet little 3 month old Chole!  I have had the privilege of photographing baby Chloe since she was in mommy’s tummy! I always LOVE getting to watch your little ones grow and DOCUMENTING their milestones!  It feels like just yesterday I did baby Chloe’s newborn photos! For this session, we included Chloe’s proud grandma (hardly looks like a grandma though! ;) I enjoyed not only capturing the love between grandma & Chloe but the bond of mom & daughter as well! 


The Hoelzle Family {Newport Beach Family Photographer}


The Pagard's Family Session {Orange County Family Photographer}